Heart of the South Hams, Devon

Soar Mill Cove Beach

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    Taken from our terms of reference: re Membership and Governance:

    The steering group will, in the first instance, comprise of the nine Parish Councillors plus the Clerk as Project Manager.  This inaugural group will, whilst keeping the Parish fully informed and briefed, determine the project plan and timescales.

    A Steering Group will then be formed comprising of no more than 15 members, at any one time, drawn from the whole community.  As well as volunteers from the village, key organisations will be invited to send a representative. There will be a core team of the Project Manager, Council Chairman and a .n. other Councillor. 

    The community will then be asked to ‘dip and out’, according to the topics under discussion/stage reached in the plan, to fill the remaining twelve places.  This should allow the Parish to maximise the expertise, skills and resources available to the group. 

    So, as at January 2018, the parishioners actively taking this forward are:

    Gail Allen, Gill  Boyce,  Debbie Ede,  Ann Kendall, Tony Lyle,  Keith Makepeace, John Sampson, John Yeoman with thanks to Jill Davies. Michelle Meyer and Malcolm Wesley for their previous inputs/watching briefs and Katharine Harrod for her input as Parish Clerk.

    If you would like to get involved please contact any of us or a Parish Councillor.

    Our liaison officer with SHDC Strategic Planning is Phil Baker with Mandy Goddard of the SHDC NP team and Dist Cllr Judy Pearce is in attendance at most of our meetings as a souce of information and advice.