Malborough Amateur Dramatics is primarily known for its annual pantomime which takes place each year in January. The first pantomime performed by the MAD group was Aladdin, way back in January 1979, the show was written locally and a great success. An annual pantomime has been produced ever since, apart from 2021 due to the pandemic.
Primarily the pantomimes are performed by adult principal roles with a mixed adult and child chorus, we have seen local aspiring actors from the age of 8 up to 88 perform on the stage.
The next pantomime which will be performed in January 2024 is Robinson Crusoe & the Pirates which will be directed by Jackie Plyer and assisted by Jenny Wood. Rehearsals will start in October and show dates will fall around the third week of January.
For anyone interested in being involved with the pantomime, whether onstage or off, please contact Jill Clarke or visit our website for more information.