2022 Update: The committee members are looking for someone to take over their roles for future meetings and activities. Anyone interested should contact one of the the committee members (see below). For the time being, there will be no meetings. However, if anyone has suggestions for a project, please contact us.
The History Group has been running for over twelve years and is a small but very friendly group. We found that most people simply could not fit monthly meetings into their busy lives and so we would meet four times a year. Our meetings were usually on the first Wednesday in February, April, June and October. Due to Covid lockdown and restrictions, there was only one meeting in 2020 and none in 2021 or 2022.
A £7 annual membership fee would entitle you to free entry at all four meetings. Non-members were also very welcome at our meetings and asked to pay £3 per head. Both included refreshments afterwards. (There could be an additional fee if we visited an outside venue in June, with charges for entry, guide, etc.)
Our meetings started at 7.30 pm, in Malborough Baptist Church, with a speaker followed by refreshments and a chat.
The June meetings were our ‘outdoor meetings’ when we would try to do something out of doors or visit somewhere of local interest.
For detailed reports on 2010 - Feb 2020 meetings, see our 'Meetings Reports' section.
We have a small committee of Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary:
- Chairman - Gill Boyce - 561698
- Secretary - Julia Hemming - 561347 (
- Treasurer - David Hemming - 561347 (
If you need any more information please contact one of us.