Welcome to All Saints Church
Saint Peters and All Saints Church
The Seaside Parish of Malborough, Salcombe and South Huish
Father Daniel French - 01548 842853
The Vicarage, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HJ
e-mail: cybervicar@gmail.com
Licenced Lay Reader
Debbie Plummer - Tel: 01548 843552
Parish Office
Office Tel: 01548 842626
e-mail: seasideparish@gmail.com
Administrators: Debbie Plummer, Gill Ball
Sandra Price - 01548 562214
Judy Bayley - 01548 842126
- Sundays at 10.00 Holy Communion
- Wednesdays 10.00 Holy communion
All services are followed by coffee and fellowship. All are welcome.
Occasional changes to services will be stated on the noticeboard.
Events at Saint Peters & All Saints Church during the week
- Monday
7.30 to 9pm Bellringing - Tuesday
10 til 12am Art Group ( when very cold during the winter may be cancelled)
Hand bell ringing 7 to 8.30 pm
Prayer Group (every third Tuesday 9.30 until 10.30 am-(details on notice board)) - Wednesday
10 am Midweek service followed by coffee and fellowship - Thursday
7 til 8pm Choir practice.
Everyone is welcome to attend events and services. We also hold social events which are advertised around the village. Please see details for services, events and social activities on our notice board